

Raise – The process of raising a wild animal in a controlled educated environment without the presence of its natural mother.

The Process

In most cases, 24 hour care is required (just like a human child). Formula, bottles, aspirators, blankets, medicine, baby wipes, and very little sleep are all a part of ensuring these tiny creatures survive and thrive. Our hands-on nurturing, however, is limited. Once these babies are capable of eating on their own and can be placed with others, they learn to identify with many others of their own species. This process is crucial to their survival.

Nigel the Fox Squirrel
Nigel the Fox Squirrel

After they have proven they can be on their own, we place them in outdoor enclosures (aka hackouts) at our wildlife refuge ) where they learn to be the wild animal they are meant to be. At this point, very little human interaction occurs throughout the day. Only cleaning, forage feeding, and health checks are made during this period of growing up. With that said, BTN takes this process very seriously in hopes to return each one of them back to nature. Support BTN by contributing donations towards our cause.

How Animals Become Orphans

Environmental/human impact, domestic animal attacks, lack of knowledge about how wild animals are raised by their parents, sibling rivalry, death of the mother or rejection from the mother are all possible reasons why you might find a wild baby animal. Not knowing what to do and wanting to do what’s best for the animal are the two main reasons why people bring injured and orphaned wild animals to us.

Not On Your Own

The process of raising a wild animal is MUCH more complex than many realize. Though it seems appealing to some people, it is very much illegal for a person to attempt in raising a baby wild animal(s) without a rehabilitation permit. BTN is a licensed wildlife rehabilitation center providing a public service for the citizens of Central FL and its wildlife. If you have found an animal, Contact Us or visit our Animal Rescue  page for more information on how we can work together to help these animals in need.

Ga'Nubbins the Opossum
Ga’Nubbins the Opossum

“Though your heart is in the right place and your intentions are good, it does not always mean you are doing what’s right for them. Knowledge and seeking help will provide you with the opportunity to serve them best.”
The Staff of BTN